Letsencrypt in Ubuntu for ApacheLetsencrypt is one of the free service which provides a vaild signed certificate to run a website in https instead of using self signed…Aug 9, 2018Aug 9, 2018
Chocolatey for new Desktop setupI was running WIndows 10 Insider Preview on my PC and laptop. And in my desktop, I changed my disk to Samsung 845 SSD and my Dell XPS 13…Jan 28, 2018Jan 28, 2018
Percona ToolkitFor the past couple of months or so, I was using MySQL on and off. I had setup MySQL, MariaDB and Percona SQL Server with the same data.Jan 27, 2018Jan 27, 2018
21st Sep 2017 BankNiftyShort 24400 PE at 27.95 and short 25200 CA at 30. Total credit is 57.95Sep 17, 2017Sep 17, 2017
14th Sep BANKNIFTYOn 12th Sep, Sell Call 25000 at 15.34 and Sell Put 24400 at 23.80. Total Creditis 39.14Sep 12, 2017Sep 12, 2017
Bots Bots everywhereRecently at work a lot of discussions happened around bots, machine learning and AI. Subsequently I searched to find more about them and…Jun 10, 2017Jun 10, 2017
Dr-DRM books from KindleWhile I agree that piracy is the biggest enemy of creativity, DRM certainly creates more bottlenecks for the users in the name of securing…May 24, 20171May 24, 20171
Running a KubeletKubelet controls the worker process of kubernetes. It controls the pods to be started in the minions. Kubelet can also function without…Jun 29, 2016Jun 29, 2016
What can kubernetes do here?. I have seen many projects where a team of people manually setup the environments and manually run right from sonar, jenkins, deploy to…Jun 27, 2016Jun 27, 2016